Exercise Tips for people with Sciatica

Sciatica is a pain that runs along the sciatic nerve which starts near the lumbar spine, extends into the buttocks and down the leg.  There is a muscle deep in the buttocks called the periformis muscle which the sciatic nerve runs through so stretching this muscle can help the condition.  There are many conditions that can cause sciatica including spinal arthritis, slipped/budging/herniated disc and bone spurs. Factors such as age, weight, prolonged sitting and diabetes (nerve damage) can make the condition worse.

Here are a few stretches for the periformis muscle which should help to ease sciatic pain.

Deep hip stretch

Deep hip stretch

Benefits of this exercise: Should reduce pain in the hips and lower back


  • Sit up tall when you do this stretch and sit at the front of your chair.
  • You should feel it in the outside of the hip.

How long should I hold the stretch?

  • 30 seconds to 1 minute


Knees to chest

Knees to chest

Benefits of this exercise:

Reduce pain and stiffness in the lower back and hips


  • A good stretch to do before you get out of bed in the morning.

How long should I hold the stretch?

  • 1 minute.

Hip open and close

Hip open and close

Benefits of this exercise:

Improved mobility and reduced pain in the hip


  • Gently open and close your leg in this pose to dynamically stretch your hip.
  • If you have any sharp pain stop the stretch.

How many should I do?

  • 10 times on either side


This is a 12 week blog series discussing common medical conditions and exercise prescriptions for the older adult:

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Good Luck!


Vintage Fitness

Vintage Fitness is an in-home personal training company in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in energizing the lives of people over 50 with exercise. 

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