Exercises for Seniors to Make Everyday Activities Feel Easier

Free e-book

Exercises for seniors to make everyday activities feel easier. Free eBook by Vintage Fitness

Vintage Fitness personal training clients have been loving the blog series that I wrote all about making everyday activities feel easier.  It works well for seniors that notice day to day activities such as getting up off the floor and lifting their grandkids are feeling impossible or challenging.  The e-book is free and gives exercises that can be done at home to build your strength and balance to make your day to day feel easier.

The e-book includes:

  • Getting up off the floor
  • Climbing stairs
  • Painting your Toenails
  • Lifting a heavy pot when cooking
  • Getting Up From A Deep Sofa
  • The dog poo pickup
  • Lifting grandchildren

Download the ebook

Good Luck!


Vintage Fitness

Vintage Fitness is an in-home personal training company in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in energizing the lives of people over 50 with exercise. 

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