Tips and tricks of personal trainers

 Good Morning,

Working with a personal trainer will dramatically increase your chance of staying with an exercise program but why?  Here are a few tips from Erin Billowits, the founder of Vintage Fitness in Toronto.

  1. Set a baseline and goals: If you are vague about your start point than it is impossible to track your progress
  2. Keep it varied: Change your program and type of exercise to keep interested and keep your body challenged
  3. Book exercise in like an appointment: On Sunday nights sit in front of your electronic or old fashioned calender and write down your planned workouts
  4. Stay accountable: Tell a buddy your goals and ask to book in a coffee with them when you hope to complete your goals to update them on your progress
  5. Plan for hiccups: If you only walk in the sunshine on a warm day then plan for rainy cold days ahead of time--what type of exercise can you substitute?  Vintage Fitness has lots of exercise plans for those poor weather days
  6. Link it to something important to you: If you are exercising because you feel like you should or your doctor told you it was a good idea that may not be enough motivation on those tough days.  What do you want to to do that your body is not letting you? Climb stairs, go on an adventure holiday? If you link your exercise with something that is near and dear to your heart it will keep you motivated even on the hardest days.

If you would like help starting or keeping up with your exercise plan drop me a note

Good Luck

Vintage Fitness

In home personal training for the 50+ in Toronto,  Oakville, Mississauga, Etobicoke, Downtown, Mid-town, North York

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