What questions do you have about Seniors Health and Wellness?

Please tell Vintage Fitness waht would you like to learn about

Vintage Fitness has been writing weekly blogs about seniors' health for the last 12 years and doing webinars every 6 weeks for the last couple of years.

We have covered TONS of topics about seniors health and wellness including:

  1. Ebooks about fall prevention, 15 minute exercise programs, making everyday activities easier and exercises to get up off the floor with ease: https://www.vintagefitness.ca/free-ebooks
  2. Webinars about brain health, nutrition, fall prevention, stress management, lifestyle resets, motivation, posture and vertigo, walking tips, balance and getting off the floor: https://www.vintagefitness.ca/senior-fitness-webinars
  3. Hundreds of exercises for every part of your body! https://www.vintagefitness.ca/exercise-information-for-older-adults

I am planning a webinar on October 19th and I would love some input on what you would like to learn about.

Please email erin@vintagefitness or comment on this facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/vintagefitnesscanada


Vintage Fitness

Vintage Fitness is a personal training company in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in energizing the lives of people over 50 with exercise.

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