How Do I Know If My Senior Parents’ Personal Training Is Really Working?

Masked Vintage Fitness Trainer Dee and client working on stairs

Any movement is going to be beneficial to your parents health and wellbeing but how do you know that the investment that you have made in personal training is working?

Here at Vintage Fitness we think about this question a lot.  We specialize in coaching seniors to better health and we need to ensure that we are making a difference.

A few questions to consider when evaluating the effectiveness of your parents personal training program:

  1. Do they know what success looks like? If they don’t know where they want to get to it is difficult to know if the program is working.  Ensure that specific goals are established that are important to your parents.  For example “I want to be able to walk 2 flights of stairs on uneven ground with ease for my trip to Italy in 3 months”
  2. Are there regular assessments to track their process? In addition to how your parents are feeling day to day, regular assessments (we do them every 3 months) should be completed, recorded and presented to your family.
  3. Do they notice that everyday activities feel easier such as household chores, grocery shopping, tying their shoes, walking up the stairs?
  4. Are they expanding and connecting with others more frequently and with more confidence?
  5. Are they doing their exercise homework their coach gives them?
  6. Are they feeling less pain in their joints?
  7. Have they developed a habit of exercising?
  8. Are they sleeping better?
  9. Do they have less constipation?
  10. Are they making small positive changes in their food choices?

These are many of the changes that we see in our senior clients when they are engaged with their program and progressing well.

If you would like a free consultation for your mom or dad with Vintage Fitness, book a call.

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Vintage Fitness

Vintage Fitness is a personal training company in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in energizing the lives of people over 50 with exercise.

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