Stay Fit and Active at Home Even During Isolation

The Vintage Fitness team talks to seniors everyday who have become weaker, heavier and are in more pain because they have become more sedentary in the last 2 years.

On January 25, 2020 the first case of CoVid came to Ontario.  Today we have been dealing with lockdowns, masks and all of the rest for 2 years and 1 week.  One of the hardest hit groups has been seniors.  The Vintage Fitness team talks to seniors everyday who have become weaker, heavier and are in more pain because they have become more sedentary in the last 2 years.

If you are in a waiting game for:

  • CoVid to go away
  • Your local gym to fully open up
  • To wake up one morning and feel motivated to exercise
  • A waitlist for a joint replacement 
  • To have more energy or strength to start exercising 

This waiting game is harming your health.  We are experts in seniors health and can show you the right exercises for you, help to motivate you not just to do them but do them with proper technique.

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Vintage Fitness

Vintage Fitness is an in-home personal training company in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in energizing the lives of people over 50 with exercise. 

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