New Amazing Downtown Toronto Trainer for Vintage Fitness

Pamela, personal trainer for seniors downtown TorontoI would like to welcome Pamela to the personal training team at Vintage Fitness.  Pamela comes to us with 11 years of experience as a personal trainer, extensive experience training seniors and lots of specialized training including:

  • Diploma from Humber College in Recreation
  • Resistance Trainer Specialist
  • Muscle Activation Technique Certified
  • Precision Nutrition Level 1
  • Neuromuscular Exercise Specialist

Pamela works in downtown Toronto and also personal trains virtually.  She is a warm, knowledgeable trainer who is a wonderful addition to our amazing Vintage Fitness personal training team.

Book a call to for  free consultation with Pamela:

Good Luck!


Vintage Fitness

Vintage Fitness is an in-home personal training company in Toronto, Canada. We specialize in energizing the lives of people over 50 with exercise. 

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