Enjoying the holidays instead of just getting through them

Meditation Video:

Ok I admit that last week I started to count down the number of holiday lunches, events and plays left until we bring in 2018 and I wondered if I was missing the point.  I realized that I was really just trying to get through the holidays instead of taking time to think about how I could enjoy them. I felt like I had lost control of my schedule.  I didn’t want to let anyone down and I genuinely wanted to see most of the people at my various events but I felt overwhelmed.

Here are a few things that I am going to try to take control of my schedule and enjoy my time over the holidays:

  • I plan to spend the day in my PJ’s on December 27th and not feel guilty
  • Give myself a break with the last-minute gifts and realize that I have done enough
  • Write a card to each of my kids and to my husband telling them how important they are to me
  • Say NO to a few events
  • Order in instead of cook when hosting
  • Schedule in a workout everyday
  • Ask for help with the rest of my wrapping
  • Make sure that I am not tying my self-esteem together with how ready or prepared I am for the holidays—we connect most profoundly with people when we let ourselves be vulnerable not when we are showing off
  • Meditate every morning for 10 minutes.  Here is a link to a 10-minute meditation that I created to help slow things down and enjoy our holiday time

Happy Holidays!


Vintage Fitness

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Vintage Fitness is an in home personal training company in Toronto, Canada.  We specialize in energizing the lives of people over 50 with exercise. 

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