Brain Boosters

I would like to thank Home Instead Senior Care in Oakville for sponsoring me to give a workshop this afternoon all about keeping your brain healthy as you age.  Recent scientific research studies show the strong link between exercise and preventing cognitive decline as well as the importance of having strong social connections and experiences.  

Here are 8 brain boosters for you:

Puzzles and math games are great brain busters

  1. Sit Less, More More:
    Try not to sit for longer than 20 minutes in an activity that is passive.  After about 20 minutes of limited challenge,  the brain will essentially fall asleep.  Aerobic exercise increases the amount of brain derived neurotrophic factor which helps to clean out the "highways" of your brain.
  2. Do Aerobic Exercise:
    Try to do 30 minutes most days of the week.  Good examples of low impact aerobic exercise are walking, dancing, swimming, biking and  aquafit.  Your brain will become healthier because the exercise gets oxygen and glucose to the brain faster.
  3. Dance:
    Dancing has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimers by 65% due to the complicated patterning and steps learned.
  4. Fuel the Brain with a Healthy Breakfast:
    Include protein such as eggs or nut butter as a part of your breakfast.  The brain uses 20% of the bodies glucose.
  5. Do cross-lateral movement:
    This just means bringing your arms across the body such as touching your left hand to your right knee.  Cross lateral movement forces the two sides of the brain to work together.
  6. Walk Outside:
    Walking outside compared with inside is better for the brain.
  7. Manage your stress:
    Happy thoughts instead of unhappy ones produce positive endorphins in the brain.
  8. Try new things:
    Your brain needs to be challenged with new and different activities such as learning a new word everyday, working with your hands or learning a language or musical instrument.

Good Luck


Vintage Fitness: At home personal training for 50+ in the Greater Toronto Area including Toronto, North York, Etobicoke,  Port Credit, Etobicoke, Mid Town Toronto, Rosedale, Forest Hill, Leaside, Lawrence Park, Eglinton West,  Oakville, Brampton and Scarborough.


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