Is a personal trainer specialized to work with older adults really different

 Good Afternoon,

I hope that you are enjoying the warm spell we are having in Toronto before fall is officially upon us this weekend.   I am often asked how a company like Vintage Fitness who is specialized to work with 50+ is different from a generalized personal trainer and what to think about when hiring a personal trainer.  

If you are over 50 and thinking about hiring a personal trainer have a look the tips below.

  1. Always ask for a complimentary chat with the trainer before committing to anything to make sure that your personalities will work well together
  2. Ask questions about their education and credentials--look for someone which is an older adult specialist with Can-Fit-Pro or with the Canadian Centre for Activity and Aging
  3. Ask for references and to see examples of programs that the trainer has created for the clients in the past
  4. Do one session with the trainer before committing to a long package to make sure that you are comfortable
  5. Tell them about any health conditions and injuries and ask how they will modify the exercise plan to take them into account
  6. If you suffer from arthritis ask if they have any experience personal training in pool which could be a great option for you

Good Luck

Vintage Fitness is an in home personal training company which specializes in working with the 50+

We are a team of 5 trainers that works across the GTA including downtown, midtown, North York, East York, Etobicoke, Mississauga



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